In one piece 1104 chapter , we got to see the intense battle between kuma vs saturn. Bartholomew Kuma, the stoic cyborg warrior returns to the egghead island to protect bonney from saturn. Sanji and franky from Straw hats protects bonney with kuma’s help and fight against the Marine’s Admiral. In last chapter 1103, we saw that there was a battle between bonney and saturn, in which Bonney was in the verge of defeat. And, that’s when the Massive entry of Kuma to protect bonney. Bonney was in tears after seeing kuma in the battlefield.

Kuma’s Self-Destruction Mode: Sacrifice and Freedom in One Piece Chapter 1104
In One Piece, Kuma was used for the experiment by Vegapunk. And, he was order to create a self- destruction mode in kuma‘s body by Gorosei Saturn. Saturn was shocked to see kuma in the egghead island and how can he move. As he turned on the self-destruction mode, after few days, when the Revolutionary Army took kuma’s body. Vegapunk was also too stuned to see kuma. And, thinks that there is no scientific explanation for how kuma can move? and how did he knows that bonney is in danger and she is in egghead island? And how did he still rember Bonney?
In battlefield everyone is too shocked to see the return of kuma, including sanji, franky and atlas. Kuma hits Saturn with his fist punch. Before, he hits saturn, he rembered some moments of his life.When Kuma hits Saturn’s face forcefully, Saturn was still in consicous after getting hit and looked kuma angrily.

Vegapunk’s Secrets: The Scientist’s Role in the Egghead Showdown
Vegapunk, the scientist who dwells on Punk Hazard and Egghead Island, remains as veiled as his own laboratory’s walls. His role is playing reluctant puppet master. Forced by the World Government, he built the mechanism controlling Kuma, the cyborg warrior now rebelling against the programming. The guilt of manipulating his friend and its visible toll on Kuma’s face hint at a deeper conflict within Vegapunk.
But beneath the surface, Vegapunk’s actions crackle with ambiguity. He reveals the “Buccaneer Tribe’s special ability,” a cryptic detail hinting at unexplored lore and Kuma’s true potential. His offhand dismissal of Saturn’s orders and seemingly melancholic attitude towards Kizaru paint him as a man caught between two masters, playing a long game only he understands.

New Special Ability Revealed: Buccaneer Tribe
All the Marines are shocked to see that a slave has beaten a member of the Gorousei. After the hit,Vegapunk, Sanji, Franky and Atlas realize that they can move freely again. sanji went to bonney and asked her,
Sanji: “Are you okay, Bonney-chan!!?”
Vegapunk tells others that they must take Bonney back to Labo Phase, so they can all escape. And, here,Vegapunk reveals that Kuma’s self-destruct switch didn’t actually destroy Kuma’s body. As, Vegapunk knew he could turn that body into a weapon that it would be a waste to destroy it. However, Vegapunk did follow Saturn’s orders by creating a mechanism that, when self-destruction switch is pressed, it would disrupt all of Kuma’s functions. Therefore, Kuma should not be able to move or carry out any orders if the self-destruct switch has already been pressed.
Vegapunk: “Could it be that… the special ability of the “Buccaneer tribe” is not superhuman strength…!! In the past, they had…”
Bonney thanks her father kuma for everything she saw in Kuma’s memories. Kuma just hugs her and then stops moving. Saturn emerges from the ruins. He has lost his right arm and his left horn due to buildings that fell on him. Saturn’s body is also quite injured.

Saturn’s Regenerate And Buster Call In Egghead:
However, Saturn uses his powers to recovers instantly. Black flames appear to regenerate his right arm and left hornes. Saturn asks, “Vegapunk, how Kuma can be on the island”. Vegapunk replied; “Let’s say it’s because of the power of love!!”. Saturn tries to attack Kuma, While he was still hugging bonney, but Sanji deflects Saturn’s attack.
Sanji: “You won’t hurt Bonney-chan again!!”
Vegapunk orders, “Atlas to take Kuma up to the Labo Phase”. Meanwhile, Franky uses his power “Radical Beam” to attack Saturn.
Franky: “We owe Kuma a big favor!!”
The “Radical Beam” pierces Saturn’s body, but Saturn can easily regenerate himself using his powers. Suddenly, Kizaru appears and kicks Franky away from the area. Vegapunk scolds Kizaru for doing that to franky.
Vegapunk : “YOUR HEART CAN’T HANDLE THIS ANY LONGER, CAN IT? You’re a very sad man, KIZARU!!“
Kizaru replied to Vegapunk with a very sad expression (Kizaru looked like he was about to cry) ???
Kizaru: “I should have brought darker sunglasses…“
“Saturn orders a Buster Call to begin on Egghead Island”. All Navy ships are prepare to start the attack.

Conclusion of one piece 1104 chapter:
In One Piece 1104 Chapter, we got an intresting battle between kuma and straw hats fighting against the member of gorosei, Saint Saturn with Kizaru, The Marines Admiral.
In One Piece 1104, as the Marines can’t find Luffy anywhere, it seems Luffy has disappeared. We don’t see anything new in this chapter about Zoro, Lucci, and the rest of the Straw Hat crew (apart from Sanji and Franky) or other Vegapunk clones (apart from Vegapunk and Atlas).
In Next chapter, we are about to expect that what is the situation of egghead island will be destroyed or not? .There is no break Next Week.
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