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Onepiece 1107 Spoilers & Leaks : Elbaf Giants on Egghead Island and Buster Call is called out.

 Onepiece 1107 kicked off with some amazing fights and shifts of onepiece towardds the final arc. caribou Joining the Blackbeard Pirates and Final Moments of Dr.Vegapunk. So, Let’s dive into the breif Summary of Onepiece episode 1107. 

Onepiece 1107
Giant Pirates

What Happened in Onepiece 1107

            The Chapter Begins with the Giants from the Elbaf cracking the Marine Ships and infilitrating the Egghead Island. Especially Dorry and Brogy along with Oimo and Kashii from the Elbaf and former members of The Giant Warrior Pirates, with Dorry and Brogy as their Captains and were working for Marine inreturn to bring back their captains safely to Elbaf for a period of 100 years. Just like their captains, they have an exceptional Superhuman Strength and Durability and they along with their Captains Started to Plundering the Ships involved in Buster Call in Egghead Island. We can also see some other Giants are also with them,

Law Is Still Alive

             Yeah, You got me right. Trafalgar D. Water Law is Alive inspite of being heavily injured by Blackbeard Pirates in Winner island. Is Still Alive with Bepo in an Winter Island and we don’t have the Name of the Island.

Love Shines Brighter than Light – Sanji

             Usopp was excited to see Dorry and Brogy after a long time and Still Jimbe is flying towards Zoro and Lucci to stop the fight between them. Lucci Mockering Zoro that the Strawhats cannot escape and zoro will be the reason for it. 

            In this Chapter, Sanji is exceptionally Good and the reason is he blocked every attack of Kizaru and proved his tier level equaling with Admirals. With his Lighting speed, he even stopped the Lazer Beam attack by Kizaru towards Bonney and Vengapunk with his leg and Kizaru was shocked and Franky made the Enel face.        

           Luffy with his Awakened form of Gear 5 with the help of Gomu Gomu no Mi fruit transformed to “Nika” – Sun God and Bonney after sawing luffy was in tears and called Luffy Nika and Luffy being Dumb, Don’t know about the Name. Luffy was Frustrated after feeling that vegapunk and Bonney were injured and says that her Attack was Super Weak and Get back to Saturn and Saturn used his eye power and Luffy’s head was Blown back and Luffy Taught his special attack “Gomu Gomu no Dawn Gatling and Luffy with this attack punched Saturn in his face a several amount of time and sent him flying.

Caribou and Blackbear Pirates
Black Beard Pirates and Caribou Alliance

Black Beard Pirates and Caribou Alliance?

              Saturn, who was Sent flying emerges from the Rubble and Catrina Devon and Van Agur was infront of Saturn. Saturn Talks about the Special lineage of Black Beard Captain, Teach and Saturn tried to attack them but using warp fruit they ecaped and whn they are about to escape the Egghead Island, they Met Caribou. Like Bartolomeo to Straw Hat Pirates. Caribou Loves Blackbeard Pirates. 

              Caribou may be an Idiot, But he has information about Ancient Weapons and Many information that Straw Hats only known of, Which may turn the world of Onepiece Upside Down. Not only that the Blackbeard Pirates were there in Egghead due to Some important thing and we still haven’t known of their intentions in Egghead and it seems like they have completed their tasks. Let’s wait and see what they took from the Egghead.

             Also, Shanks may have seen something unusual that may change the fate of Onepiece using Advanced Armanent Haki and sent the Giants to rescue without causing any fight between them and the World Government and for more updates follow us


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